We also noticed that a woman as a social being is still neglected. Some examples from Gigafida 2.0 corpus express an explicit negative connotation.Markei, TjaaSlavia Meridionalis
Ukraińskie nazwy peryferyjnych podzespołów komputerowych: typy, struktura, derywatyThe subject of this article is an analysis of Ukrainian names of peripheral computer parts (printer, scanner, video projector etc.). The author presents the material gathered in thirteen groups. Particular lexemes...
Derywaty terminologiczne a struktura gniazda słowotwórczegoBesides derivatives that belong to the general Polish language, the structure of a word-formation root also includes some units that bear special meanings. By projecting the lexical stock of contemporary glossaries, roots take over also ...
It also presents the phenomenon of the interference of English in a positive light as it establishes the relation of the word not only with its meaning but also with its origin in the consciousness of the language user.Anna Kłaczyńska...
CZY DERYWATY PREFIKSALNE WYMIENNE WYRAAJ INTENSYWNO?doi:10.12797/lv.11.2016.22.05The paper aims to clarify the misunderstandings concerning the semantic description of derivative verbs created through exchange of prefixes The description of a class of verbs which up to now have been...
In addition, the analysis of the collected material shows what derivatives reveal about the human conceptualisation of the world and how Ronald Langacker's Cognitive Grammar and Jerzy Bartmi艅ski's Lublin-based Ethnolinguistics are close to each other.Kielak, OlgaPrace Jezykoznawcze...
Derywaty rzeczownikowe we współczesnym rosyjskim żargonie narkomanówThe article concerns nominal derivatives referring to narcotics addicts, psychoactive substan- ces, activities and conditions related to using them as well as objects used to get under their influence. Word formation models ...
Nazwy gatunków drzew i krzewów oraz ich derywaty w pieniach ludowych z Warmii i MazurThis article is an analysis of names of species of trees and shrubs used in folk songs of Warmia and Masuria, which are dated from XIX and XX century. The names collected in ten Warmian and ...
In addition,the article shows how Tuwim used a play on words and what function is played by the accumulation of verbal animal derivatives in creating his poetic expression.doi:10.18276/sj.2016.15-07Adrianna Seni