Breast cancer: Derriford hosptial error; LIB(TX 19.6.95/ITN) ENGLAND: Devon: Plymouth: EXT Entrance to Derriford Hospital (3 SHOTS) CF = D0620399 OR D0620400 00.03.40 TO 00.04.04 FX PAB = D0620392 Order Ref: T07010203 Save PURCHASE...
An audit of patient outcomes with the SOCCAR chemoradiotherapy regimen for lung cancer at Derriford Hospital, Plymouthdoi:10.1016/j.clon.2016.04.017Sankey, P.J.Roy, A.Elsevier LtdClinical Oncology
Patient triggered ventilation in infants under 28 weeks: J.H. Baumer, S. Ellis (Introduced by Dr Neil Marlowe), Derriford hospital, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 8DH, UKELSEVIEREarly Human Development
Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, UKJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdBritish Journal of Health PsychologyCarr T, Moss TP, Harris DL. The DAS24: a short form of the Derriford Appearance Scale DAS59 to measure individual responses to living with problems of ...