国际分类:5类-医药 服务项: 0501移植入面部真皮层的外科移植物(活组织)、用于导入面部真皮层的医用化学制剂、用于导入面部真皮层的填充用医药制剂、用于导入面部真皮层的医药乳膏; ...展开 基本信息 商标名称DERMAGEN 申请号12017932国际分类5类-医药商标分类表 ...
【DERMAGEN】商标详情 商标名称 DERMAGEN 注册号 51436303 当前状态 已销亡 商标类型 普通商标 类别 第03类 申请日期 2020-11-20 类似群 0301,0306 商品/服务列表 0301-洗发液, 0301-洗面奶, 0306-化妆品, 0306-去角质霜, 0306-头发营养霜, 0306-护肤用化妆剂, ...
可以替代肉毒杆菌的防皱佳品!DermaGen神奇祛皱美容贴 $9.95,运费$1.95 DermaGen神奇祛皱美容贴可以明显减少皱纹和细纹对割伤和烧伤的皮肤也有一定的作用可以有效的改善痤疮和疤痕每片含27回,5个不同形状每个补丁可以使用3~4次非常神奇!!2小时抚平痕迹!可以做急救使用!让您约会更自信!真心的好用~ 及时获取没得比最新优...
The article reports that the antimicrobial peptide maker, DermaGen AB, was able to raise over $1.6 million from Midroc New Technology. According to DermaGen, it will use the capital to begin Phase IIa studies of DPK060, an antimicrobial drug candidate for atopic dermatitis. A representative ...
QualityPremiumLead6 to 10 days MOQ30 pcsPackagingBoxes Product Details Description: Wellsfill’s Dermagen Egensia lase cream soothes damaged skin after various skin cosmetic procedures like laser treatment or moles removal. It strengthens the skin barrier and moisturizes deep skin layer keeping skin ...
It is proposed that these organisms be classified in a new genus Dermabacter, as Dermabacter hominis gen.nov., sp.nov.doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.1988.tb02967.xDorothyDepartmentJonesDepartmentMatthewDepartmentD.DepartmentCollinsDepartmentCROSSREFFEMS Microbiology Letters...
Website: www.dermagenpharma.com Contact Person: Tasawar Hussain Director Apply for Job at Dermagen Pharma Pakistan (pvt) Ltd. Submit your CV/Resume to Dermagen Pharma Pakistan (pvt) Ltd.Are you the owner of this business? Claim this business and add company logo, receive emails, add owne...
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B A Journal of Chemical Sciences IMPACT FACTOR 2014: 0.744SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 2014: 0.248Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 2014: 0.393Impact per Publication (IPP) 2014: 0.622Get eTOC Alert ›Rss Get New Article Alerts ›Rss ...
A description of Papuderma gen. nov. from Indonesian Papua (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatominae)Jiri Hava