region area and terrain characters,puts forward some methods to solve or decrease impact of the edge effect.It is important for digital terrain analysis with high precision.There are two indexes to express edge effect: the first is the change value of mean slope;the second is root mean square...
This is necessary as the skyrmion Hall angle completely dictates the qualitative dynamical properties of skyrmions in a system, and as variations in, e.g., material quality, doping and surface treatment, can alter the many parameters that control the magnitude of the skyrmion Hall angle (such ...
doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-2606CLOUD dropletsLIDARREMOTE sensingDETECTORSBACKSCATTERINGTEMPERATURE inversionsATMOSPHERIC methaneICE cloudsGiven the importance of constraining cloud droplet number concentrations (Nd) in low-level clouds, we explore two methods for retrieving Nd from surface-...
People's Republic of China; bCollaborative Innovation Center of Geospatial Technology, Wuhan, People's Republic of China; cSchool of Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, People's Republic of China ABSTRACT A salient scene is an area within an image that contains...
Secondary sphere formation potential of Nestin positive NS cells. (a) Phase contrast micrograph showing NS reseeded by manual picking in (a) fibrin coated TCPS; (b) bare TCPS; (c) DAPI stained cell nucleus of reseeded NS in fibrin matrix; (d) Fluorescent micrograph showing reseeded NS immu...