一、使命 把时钟的setup和hold uncertainty附加到每个跨时钟域里面。…This command calculates and applies setup and hold uncertainties for each clock-to-clock transfer found in the design. 时钟的uncertainty在命令update_timing_netlist之后更新。 二、作用对象 反映IO口、inter-clock、intra-clock在时序分析上的...
TheDerive Clock Uncertainty(derive_clock_uncertainty) constraint applies setup and hold clock uncertainty for clock-to-clock transfers in the design. This uncertainty represents characteristics like PLL jitter, clock tree jitter, and other factors of uncertainty. ...
那么derive_clock_uncertainty命令次之,由derive_clock_uncertainty命令计算出的由源时钟CLKA到目的时钟CLKB的不确定时间将被忽 略。 你可以使用-overwrite命令覆盖原先的时钟不确定时间分配,后者手动添加remove_clock_uncertainty命令进行移除。 在以下的时钟到时钟传输 类型中,时钟必然能够出现,它们被derive_clock_uncertain... Create Clock (create_clock) Derive PLL Clocks (derive_pll_clocks) Derive Clock Uncertainty (derive_clock_uncertainty) Set Clock Groups (set_clock_groups) 2.3.2. SDC File Precedence 2.3.3. Iterative Constraint Modification 2.3.4. Creating Clocks...
此抖动信息可以跟derive_clock_uncertainty命令计算出的时钟抖动不一致。Quartus�0�3 II TimeQuest时序分析器派生出的时钟抖动还包含时钟网络差异导致的抖动,此外还去掉了当源和目的寄存器都是同一低频时钟时的抖动。在TimeQuest时序分析器中,derive_clock_uncertainty命令计算出的时钟抖动为...
assignments or use thederive_clock_uncertainty command.Critical Warning: From pll_20MHz_inst 火车王2020-04-29 16:23:29 从100 MHz差分clk派生出60 MHz出现错误 Hi I am using Spartan-6 FPGA Intergrated Endpoint Block v1.3 for PCI Express.I want toderive60 MHz ...
When you use the -expand option, derive_clocks, derive_pll_clocks, derive_lvds_clocks and derive_clock_uncertainty macros are be expanded to corresponding sdc assignments before they are written to a file. If you do not use the -expand option, these macros are preserved. --- Qu...
When you use the -expand option, derive_clocks, derive_pll_clocks, derive_lvds_clocks and derive_clock_uncertainty macros are be expanded to corresponding sdc assignments before they are written to a file. If you do not use the -expand option, these macros are preserved. ...
TheDerive Clock Uncertainty(derive_clock_uncertainty) constraint applies setup and hold clock uncertainty for clock-to-clock transfers in the design. This uncertainty represents characteristics like PLL jitter, clock tree jitter, and other factors of uncertainty. ... Create Clock (create_clock) Derive PLL Clocks (derive_pll_clocks) Derive Clock Uncertainty (derive_clock_uncertainty) Set Clock Groups (set_clock_groups) 2.3.2. Example Circuit and Conventional SDC File 2.3.3. SDC File Precedence 2.3.4. Itera...