useclap::{Arg,App,Parser};#[derive(Debug)]#[allow(dead_code)]structConfig{hostname:String,port:String,prod:bool,}fnmain(){letmatches=App::new("Novice Program").version("1.0").author("").arg(Arg::new("hostname").short('h').long("hostname").help("Server h...
use clap_cargo::style::CLAP_STYLING; use crate::{build::{build_skeleton_package, BuildOptions}, create::{create_skeleton, CreateOptions}, unpack::{unpack_skeleton_archive, UnpackOptions}}; #[derive(Debug, Parser)] #[command(name = "cargo")] #[command(bin_name = "cargo")] #[command(...
Implement derive(clap::Args) support for enum types, where each variant is a mutually exclusive ArgGroup. Relevant discussion and motivation for this PR is in #2621. Impl notes: At the moment this...
clap: 命令行参数解析 async-trait: 异步trait支持 derive_more: 通用派生宏集合 最佳实践 性能考虑 // 避免不必要的Clone实现 #[derive(Debug, Copy)] // 优先使用Copy而不是Clone struct SmallType { x: i32, y: i32, } 属性组织 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camel...
通过clap::builder::command::App::new() 初始化一个App struct; 最后调用 get_matches() 方法去解析命令行参数到App struct; App struct 定义如下: (只展示了常用的部分字段) ```rust #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct App<'help> { ...
要进行自定义解析,您应该使用#[clap(parse(try_from_str = ...))]并定义一个自定义函数来解析参数...
use clap::Clap; #[derive(Debug, Clap)] struct Opts { #[clap(long, conflicts_with = "hello-world")] // I thought it should be hello_world one: Option<String>, #[clap(long)] hello_world: Option<String>, } fn main() { Opts::parse(); } It is a bit confusing that conflicts_...