derivative of the function, and the second derivative and5个回答 衍生工具的功能,二阶导数2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名 衍生品的功能,和第二个衍生和 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名作用的衍生物和第二种衍生物和 2013-05-23 12:24:58 回答:匿名函数的导数与二阶导数和 2013-05-23 12:26:3...
4) derivative of the shape function 形函数导数5) derivative function 导函数 1. It is hard to obtain derivative functions for branched modules in polycondensation process optimization problems with current differentiation approaches,such as symbolic differentiation,extended automatic differentiation (XAD),...
The derivative is \(2x\sin x - x^{2}\cos x\) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。解析:对于函数\(y = uv\)(这里\(u = x^{2}\),\(v=\sin x\)),根据乘积法则\((uv)^\prime = u^\prime v+uv^\prime\)。\(u = x^{2}\)的导数\(u^\prime = 2x\),\(v=\sin x\)的导数\...
求翻译:The derivative of this function是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 The derivative of this function问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 此功能的衍生 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 此功能的衍生品。 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 这个作用衍生物 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 此函数...
求函数导数derivative of the function 只看楼主 收藏 回复数学做不出来 函数极限 2 求函数导数,但是我没学明白这一块,有没有大哥能给列个过程让我康康啊?麻烦了 勇敢的牛牛 幂级数 7 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规...
【IB Mathematics】函数连续性/ 函数连续/函数有极限和连续的关系/continuity/continuous function知识点 + 习题练习 尼克教数学 467 0 【AP Calculus】微积分中的洛必达法则知识点+习题练习(持续原创更新中) 尼克教数学 303 0 【IB Mathematics】—复数/复数的平方和因式分解 /Complex numbers /The sum of two...
A。解析:首先求一阶导数,设\(u = x^{2}\),\(y = e^{u}\),根据复合函数求导法则\(y^\prime=e^{u}\times u^\prime\),\(u^\prime = 2x\),所以\(y^\prime = 2xe^{x^{2}}\)。再求二阶导数,\(y^{\prime\prime}=2e^{x^{2}}+2x\times2xe^{x^{2}}=2e^{x^{2}}(2x^...
Find the derivative of the function. {eq}\displaystyle f (x) = \dfrac {e^x} {x^4} {/eq} Quotient Rule of Differentiation: If we have two functions in the ratio form that is {eq}\dfrac{f(x)}{g(x)} {/eq} then the derivative of this function can't be evaluated direct...
8.Eliot thinks that the most attractive part in one’s work should be ___. A. the blueprint for the future B. none of the above C. reflections on history D. the essence of tradition 查看完整题目与答案 呼吸幅度由浅到深,继而减弱后暂停,如此周而复始称为 A. 间停呼吸 ...