Differentiate using the Quotient Rule which states that ( d/(dt)[(f(t))/(g(t))]) is ( (g(t)d/(dt)[f(t)]-f(t)d/(dt)[g(t)])/((g(t))^2)) where ( f(t)=(ln)(t)) and ( g(t)=t). ( (td/(dt)[(ln)(t)]-(ln)(t)d/(dt)[t])/(t^2)) The ...
Find derivative ofcos(sinx)w.r.t. tox View Solution Find derivative oftan−1xw.r.t. tox View Solution Find the derivative ofex(x2+1)w.r.t.x View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Cl...
更新1: I have another question: f(x) = (1-e^x) / x^2 the derivative is (e^x(1-x) -1) / x^2 I used quotient rule but I can't find the wer. please show me the procedure...Question 1 y = e^(x^3) * ln x^2 dy/dx = {d[e^(x^3)] / dx}(ln x^...
Find the derivative of the following function: y = \sqrt[3]{3x^2 -1} Find the derivative of the following function: f(x) = \dfrac{x + 5}{x - 1}. Find the derivative of the function. f(x) = x7^x Determine the derivative of the following function: f(x)=cos...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
find the derivative of: y=sin (\sqrt{sin (\Theta )+1}) Find the derivative. y = (sin x - cos x)e^-x Find derivative of 10 \ cos \ x -4 \ sin \ x . Find the derivative of y = 2 ln (sin t + 6). Find the derivative of m(x) = x^2 sin ...
Derivative of (tan(x))^2. Simple step by step solution, to learn. Simple, and easy to understand, so don`t hesitate to use it as a solution of your homework. Below you can find the full step by step solution for you problem. We hope it will be very helpful for you and it will...
(11.2)L{Dαf(t)}=sαF(s). The s-domain description of the fractional-order derivative operator appears as the term sα in Eq. (11.2). Then, the frequency response of the fractional-order derivative operator is written by substituting s=jω in Eq. (11.2): (11.3)sα|s=jω=(jω...
, Y = H, R = F) was found to be the most potent anticancer agent against all tested human cancer cell lines (HCT116, A549, SNU638, T47D, and PC-3) except the leukemia cell lines (K562) when compared with the control ara-C. The anticancer activity of the 2′-substituted-4′-...
Differentiate using the chain rule, which states that ( d/(dt)[f(g(t))]) is ( f()' (g(t))g()' (t)) where ( f(t)=t^3) and ( g(t)=e^(-t)+e^t).( 3((e^(-t)+e^t))^2d/(dt)[e^(-t)+e^t])By the Sum Rule, the derivative of ( e^(-t)...