Derivative of Arctangent Function Derivative of Arccotangent Function Derivative of Arccosecant Function Sources 1989:Ephraim J. BorowskiandJonathan M. Borwein:Dictionary of Mathematics...(previous)...(next): Appendix2 : Table of derivatives and integrals of common functions:Inverse trigonometric functio...
•arcsec(x)—arcsecant •arccsc(x)—arccosecant •arsech(x)—inverse hyperbolic secant •arcsch(x)—inverse hyperbolic cosecant •|x|,abs(x)—absolute value •sqrt(x),root(x)—square root •exp(x)—e to the power of x ...
Answer to: Find the derivative of the following: \dfrac{d}{dx} (arcsec(x^2)). By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step solutions to your...
Find the derivative of the function f(x)=arcsec(6x). Differentiation in calculus:The derivative of a function f at a point x is the slope to the tangent line to the graph on that point. There are many techniques to find the derivative of a function. To solve this problem, ...
$\operatorname{arcsec} (2^x)$.More importantly, for a composite function involving three functions (say, f , g and h ), applying the Chain Rule twice yields that:\begin{align*} f(g[h(c)])’ & = f'(g[h(c)]) \, \left[ g[h(c)] \right]’ \\ & = f'(g[h(c)]) \...
d/dx sec x sec x * tan x d/dx csc x -csc x * cot x d/dx e^x e^x d/dx ln (x) 1/x d/dx arcsin (x) 1/(sqrt(1-x^2)) d/dx arccos (x) -1/(sqrt(1-x^2)) d/dx arctan (x) 1/(1+x^2) d/dx arccot (x) -1/(1+x^2) d/dx arcsec (x) 1/(x * sqr...
s(t)=3^{\frac{1}{t \text{arcsec}(3t) Find the derivative of the function. h(x)=(x^{10}-1)^{3} Find the derivative of f(x)=9e^{8x}+e^{-x^2}. Find the derivative of the function. h(x)=(x^{12}-1)^3 Find the derivative of f(x) if f(x) = xe^{2...
loga(x) 1/(x*ln(a)) arcsinx 1/sqrt(1-x^2) arccosx -1/sqrt(1-x^2) arctan 1/(1+x^2) arccot -1/(1+x^2) arcsec 1/xsqrt(x^2-1) arccsc -1/xsqrt(x^2-1)關於我們 關於Quizlet 職涯 廣告合作 取得應用程式 身為學生的你 單詞卡 測試 學習 解答 Modern Learning Lab Quizlet...
Function of a single argument Allowed operations: + - / * ^ Constants: pi Functions: sin cosec cos tg ctg sech sec arcsin arccosec arccos arctg arcctg arcsec exp lb lg ln versin vercos haversin exsec excsc sqrt sh ch th cth csch ...
Find the derivative of the function. {eq}f(x) = \text{arcsec}(7x) {/eq} Applying the Rules of Differentiation: We differentiate a function to find the rate of change of a function. The derivative of a function can also be used to obtain the slope of the tangent line to a ...