Finally, the experimental data verifications of the proposed SIDDC method are performed for a three-component bar-shaped wind tunnel strain gauge balance. The verification results indicate that the proposed SIDDC method, especially the SORM iteration based method, is much effective for improving the ...
wind tunnel strain gauge balanceA novel serial iterative dynamic decoupling-compensation (SIDDC) method is proposed for multiaxis force sensors to solve their problems of cross-axis dynamic coupling interference and the main channel dynamic error. Specifically, based on the output coupling model of ...
A method is proposed to derive safety factors for the fatigue design of bridges. • Engineering model uncertainty is determined by comparing modelled with measured strain. • Dynamic amplification through road bridge–vehicle interaction appears small. • The safety factor of Eurocode’s Fatigue ...
Strain gaugeClosed-form solutionMechanical properties of rocks/soils are key inputs in the design and analysis of surface structures (e.g., slope, foundation) and underground excavations (e.g., tunnel, cavern, borehole, and fracture) in earth engineering practice. Brazilian disc test has been ...
Strain gaugeClosed-form solutionAbstractMechanical properties of rocks/soils are key inputs in the design and analysis of surface structures (e.g., slope, foundation) and underground excavations (e.g., tunnel, cavern, borehole, and fracture) in earth engineering practice. Brazilian disc test has...