A special case of the relativistic Doppler effect, which occurs when light reflects from a moving mirror, is discussed. The classic formula for the Doppler shift is derived in a fully non-relativistic fashion using basic facts from geometry. The derivation does not involve Lorentz transformations,...
Huygens' Principle (1678) implies that every point on a wave front serves as a source of secondary wavelets, and the new wave front is the tangential surface to all the secondary wavelets. But two problems arise: portions of wavelets that exist outside of the new wave front combine to ...
We derive the relativistic Doppler and the relativistic aberration formulas for the case of both source and receiver moving in arbitrary directions with respect to an inertial reference frame as viewed from either a uniformly rotating or a uniformly accelerated frame....
In the context of the relativistic Doppler effect [DE] and the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction [LF], we investigate the consequences of two abstract axioms [R] and [M] expressed in terms of an operation generalizing the addition of velocities and a function. The latter can represent either the...
The error starts from Sec.3, Eq.(3.2) whereby the scalar value of the wave-vector needs to be corrected. The net result is that the final formulas for the relativistic Doppler effect and for aberration get simplified. The source of the error is an extra multiplication factor by " c "....
(2) The relativistic Doppler effect, especially the distinction between the transverse Doppler effect and the time dilatation effect. (3) Three particular examples are examined to derive the general mass-energy relation in SR by induction method....