>From the parched river or beast-teeming plain. The violence of beast on beast is read As natural law, but upright man Seeks his divinity by inflicting pain. Delirious as these worried beasts, his wars Dance to the tightened carcass of a drum, While he calls courage still that native drea...
As many islands as the stars at night on that branched tree from which meteors are shaken like falling fruit around the schooner Flight. But things must fall,and so it always was, on one hand Venus,on the other Mars; fall,and are one,just as this earth is one island in archipelagoes ...
Derek Walcottalso served as Professor of Poetry at the University of Essex from 2010 to 2013. His works include the Homeric epicpoem Omeros(1990), which many critics view “as Walcott’s major achievement.” In addition to winning the Nobel Prize,Walcottreceived many literary awards over the c...
‘Parades, Parades’ by Derek Walcott is an allusion-filled poem that discusses Saint Lucia after the end of British colonial rule.
The Lost Empire by Derek Walcottderek walcott
The book / poetry collection: ” White Egrets “was published in2010, when thepoet Derek Walcottwas 80 years old. Below you can read thepoem by Derek Walcott: “White egrets”, with originalenglishtext. In the menu above or to the side you can find the text of thepoem by Derek Walcott...
Here is a detailed analysis of Derek Walcott’s poem “Parades, Parades”; it’s tailored towards students taking the CIE / Cambridge A-Level syllabus but will be useful for anyone who’s working on understanding the poem at any level.Great for revision,
Coral by Derek Walcott - This coral's hape ecohes the hand It hollowed. Its Immediate absence is heavy. As pumice, As your breast in my cupp
Vincent van Gogh and Barack Obama in a Poem by Derek WalcottThijs Weststeijn
A Far Cry From Africa Poem by Derek WalcottA Far Cry From Africa Rating: ★3.4 Autoplay A wind is ruffling the tawny pelt Of Africa, Kikuyu, quick as flies, Batten upon the bloodstreams of the veldt. Corpses are scattered through a paradise. Only the worm, colonel of carrion, cries: ...