The right to a healthy environment, considered as a human right, has been analyzed and interpreted by the Colombian Constitutional Court, since the Political Constitution of 1991, to define its nature and respond to the challenges related to the protection of the environment and pe...
The human right to a healthy environment is part of the so-called rights of solidarity, so the scope of the sphere of ownership and enforcement is collective. The innovation of access to justice of the right to a healthy environment through collective means, brough...
LA CONTAMINACIN ELECTROMAGNTICA COMO FACTOR DE VULNERABILIDAD DEL DERECHO A UN AMBIENTE SANO EN LAS CIUDADES: una aproximación desde la incertidumbre y el principio de precaucióndoi:10.12957/rdc.2023.78054ENVIRONMENTAL riskPRECAUTIONARY principlePOLLUTION...
Contenido del principio precautorio frente al riesgo a la vulneración del derecho a un ambiente sano y sus contrastes con los principios de prevención e in dubio pro naturadoi:10.5102/rbpp.v13i3.9230The work aims to explain the content of the precautionary principle,...