1 The Digital Services Act (DSA) is one of the cornerstones of the EU Digital Policies; it is meant to regulate basic issues of the platform economy including liability questions of different types of providers. Nevertheless, the commentary only briefly discusses the opaque prov...
6 (1a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Section 25 (1) of the German Telecommunications Digital Services Data Protection Act (TDDDG). You can consent to all our optional cookies at once, or manage your own preferences through the “Cookies Settings”. You can read ...
Yamila Constantino Managing Partner eContentDigital “We have collaborated very closely with URBANDER on several projects throughout the years because of our shared affinity for the pursuit of equity for Black and Brown people. Their deep knowledge of culturally relevant engagement strategies that will...
This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own server(s). Non-Free software is listed on the Non-Free page. See Contributing. Table of contents Software Analytics Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP) Automation Backup Blogging Platforms...
1derwork Defined:won·der·work (wndr-wûrk) An incredible act, work, or achievement; a marvel. Breathtaking Graphic Design Graphicdesign including elements such as logos, product packaging, digital signage, marketing materials and brilliant user interface designs. ...
social insurance number health information act income tax information manitoba health health registration prescription purchases benefit eligibility personal health power of attorney registration number personal health number practitioner referral wellness professional patient referral health and wellness...
Die Embedded World findet vom 11. bis 13. März 2025 in Nürnberg statt. Infineon wird seine Produkte und Lösungen für die Dekarbonisierung und Digitalisierung in Halle 4A, Stand 138 sowie virtuell präsentieren. Für Presseanfragen wenden Sie sich bitte anmedia.relations@infineon.com....
"wir" oder "uns"). Sie regeln Ihren Zugang zu und Ihre Nutzung der digitalen Plattformen, Websites und Online-Dienste, die einen autorisierten Link zu diesen Nutzungsbedingungen anzeigen oder bereitstellen (zusammen die "Online-Services"). Die Online-Services umfassen unter anderem nhl.com, ...
Vorbehaltlich örtlicher Gesetze, inklusive der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung und des California Consumer Privacy Act, kannst du das wie folgt tun: ● Du kannst uns bitten, dir eine Kopie der personenbezogenen Daten, die wir über dich erfasst haben, zukommen zu lassen. ● Du kannst uns ...
we process such data exclusively in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation (VO (EU) 2016/679; GDPR) as well as the Bundesdatenschutzgesetz from July 30, 2017 (BDSG-neu (Germany's Federal Data Law)) and Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG (Digital Services Act)). The processing of per...