DIE APP (or das App - both are correct :)) Learn 40 secret rules that even your German teacher doesn't know about. We created the 'Zoo of Rules' - where walking across the zoo, you will find hand-drawn images and rules. Tiger rule: Did you know that 70% of nouns ending in -er...
Many have trouble - even after tens of years - to correctly identify wether to use "der", "die", or "das" for a word. Even though there are rules all of them have exceptions. Many words don't even have a rule. The only thing that helps is training. Der Die Das? brings order ...
Many have trouble - even after tens of years - to correctly identify wether to use "der", "die", or "das" for a word. Even though there are rules all of them have exceptions. Many words don't even have a rule. The only thing that helps is training. Der Die Das? brings order ...
Nouns for women, including professions, are mostly feminine:die Mutter(the mother),die Ärztin(the female doctor). Nouns with these endings are mostly feminine:falt, -e, -ie, -ei, -enz, -anz, -heit, -keit, -tät, -ik, -tion, -sion, -schaft, -ung, -ur,and-t. Examples includ...
General Rules for Usingder,dieanddas The article that comes before every noun may seem totally random, but there are some tricks (and obviously there are exceptions to every rule). For general reference, check out the following. When to Useder ...
DIE APP (or das App - both are correct :)) Learn 40 secret rules that even your German teacher doesn't know about. We created the 'Zoo of Rules' - where walking across the zoo, you will find hand-drawn images and rules. Tiger rule: Did you know that 70% of nouns ending in -er...
(free or nonfree), candidates for public office.” Mit unserer Definition lassen sich auch Parteien fassen, die durch Wahlverbot ausgeschlossen werden oder gar angesichts mangelhafter Wettbewerbschancen einzelne Wahlen boykottieren, prinzipiell aber das Ziel haben, um politische Ämter in ...
Die Dateirulesist eine Textdatei, die eine Regel (rule) für jede Systemgruppe enthält, auf der Sie das Betriebssystem Solaris installieren wollen. Jede Regel charakterisiert eine Gruppe von Systemen auf der Grundlage von einem oder mehreren Systemattributen. Jede Regel verknüpft eine Gruppe...
Die Dateirulesist eine Textdatei, die eine Regel (rule) für jede Systemgruppe enthält, auf der Sie das Betriebssystem Solaris installieren wollen. Jede Regel charakterisiert eine Gruppe von Systemen auf der Grundlage von einem oder mehreren Systemattributen. Jede Regel verknüpft eine Gruppe...
The easiest way to learn Der Die Das!We all know how difficult “der die das” article learning is.A lot of German gender nouns don’t fall under a Grammar rule which means you need to memorize German articles. Memorizing and training in der die das is now made easy through the “Der...