Depthwise Separable Convolutional Neural NetworkConfidential information analysisInformation SecurityNatural Language ProcessingConfidential information analysis can identify the text containing confidential information, thereby protecting organizations from the threat posed by leakage of confidential information. It is ...
It is basicallya convolutional neural network (CNN)which is 27 layers deep. ... 1×1 Convolutional layer before applying another layer, which is mainly used for dimensionality reduction. A parallel Max Pooling layer, which provides another option to the inception layer. How do I know if my k...
3. The Xception architecture We propose a convolutional neural network architecture based entirely on depthwise separable convolution layers. In effect, we make the following hypothesis: that the map- ping of cross-channels correlations and spatial correlations in the feature maps of convolutional ...
Conventional 3D convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are computationally expensive, memory intensive, prone to overfitting, and most importantly, there is a need to improve their feature learning capabilities. To address these issues, we propose spatio-temporal short term Fourier transform (STFT) blocks...
Zhang, H., Zu, K., Lu, J., et al.: Epsanet: An efficient pyramid squeeze attention block on convolutional neural network. In: Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1161–1177. (2022) Zhou, B., Duan, X., Ye, D., ...
卷积神经网络在图像处理中的地位已然毋庸置疑。卷积运算具备强大的特征提取能力、相比全连接又消耗更少的参数,应用在图像这样的二维结构数据中有着先天优势。然而受限于目前移动端设备硬件条件,显著降低神经网络的运算量依旧是网络结构优化的目标之一。本文所述的Separable Convolution就是降低卷积运算参数量的一种典型方法。
Depthwise Separable Convolution Depthwise Separable Convolution于2017年在《MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile VisionApplications》提出。 标准卷积操作所使用卷积核与输入特征具有相同的通道数,卷积核个数即为输出特征的通道数。 ... ...
Facial Mask Detection Using Depthwise Separable Convolutional Neural Network Model During COVID-19 Pandemic Depthwise Separable ConvolutionsMobileNetdeep learningface mask detectionfacial image classificationDeep neural networks have made tremendous strides in the ... MZ Asghar,FR Albogamy,MS Al-Rakhami,....
Liu, J., Yang, X., Lau, S., Wang, X., Luo, S., Lee, V.C.-S., Ding, L.: Automated pavement crack detection and segmentation based on two-step convolutional neural network. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 35(11), 1291–1305 (2020) Article Google Scholar Roy, ...
? 2023 Elsevier Inc.Despite the remarkable results achieved by deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in single image super-resolution (SISR), their computational cost increase exponentially as CNN models get deeper and wider. Consequently, depthwise separable convolutions (DSConvs) have emerged as...