Can thoracic imped- ance monitor the depth of chest compressions during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Resuscitation. 2014; 85(5):637-643. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2013.12.035 PMID: 24463220Can thoracic impedance monitor the depth of chest compressions during out-of-hospital ...
The graph shows data for 40 children, half of whom were male (M) and half of whom were female (F), in each of three age groups: at least 9 but less than 10 years old, at least 11 but less than 12 years old, and at least 13 but less than
Since chest compressions were first introduced more than 50 years ago, there has been increasing emphasis on the importance of compression depth. Increasing depth is associated with a higher blood flow, and a compression depth of at least 5 cm is the current recommendation [1]. Whereas this is...
Increased blood pressure and depth of chest compressions does not improve cardiac output or organ perfusion in a swine model of pediatric cardiac arrestMao, CClay, MBone, CVintenJohansen, JMaher, K
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING DEPTH OF CHEST COMPRESSIONSSystems and methods for determining depth of compressions of a chest of a patient receiving chest compressions. A field detector is used having at least two coils at a fixed distance from each other.Corey J. Centen...
The present invention provides a method and system for monitoring chest compression depth. 该监测方法包括:获取胸外按压校准过程的参考加速度信号和参考胸腔阻抗信号;使用参考加速度信号计算参考按压深度,并确定参考胸腔阻抗信号与参考按压深度的相关性;获取胸外按压测量过程的实时胸腔阻抗信号,使用该实时胸腔阻抗信号...
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING DEPTH OF CHEST COMPRESSIONSSystems and methods for determining depth of compressions of a chest of a patient receiving chest compressions. A field detector is used having at least two coils at a fixed distance from each other.Centen, Corey...
Chest heightChest compression forceChest compression depthIntroduction: The LUCAS 2 device stores technical data that documents the chest compression process. We analyzed chest wall dimensions and mechanics stored during chest compressions on humans using data gathered with the LUCAS 2 device.Beesems, ...
An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.MILDRED DEBERTNursing
Feasibility of performing chest compressions at a target depth of 5, 6 and 7cm supported by visual feedback: A manikin studyImproving and/or validating the use of PKPD model controlled drug administration in anesthesia.doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2015.09.148Nathalie Kegels...