Returns or sets the depth of a 3D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent). Read/write Long.Syntaxexpression.DepthPercentexpression A variable that represents a Chart object.RemarksThis property applies only to 3D charts....
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Returns or sets the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent). C# 複製 public int DepthPercent { get; set; } Property Value Int32 Applies to 產品版本 Excel primary interop assembly Latest 意見...
The following example sets the depth of the first chart in the active document to be 50 percent of its width. You should run this example on a 3D chart.VB Copia With ActiveDocument.InlineShapes(1) If .HasChart Then Chart.DepthPercent = 50 End If End With ...
Gets or sets the depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent). C# 复制 public int DepthPercent { get; set; } Property Value Int32 The depth of a 3-D chart as a percentage of the chart width. Examples The following code example creates...
ChartArea3DStyle 构造函数 属性 Enable3D 倾角 IsClustered IsRightAngleAxes LightStyle 透视 PointDepth PointGapDepth 旋转 WallWidth ChartAreaCollection ChartColorPalette ChartDashStyle ChartElement ChartElementCollection<T> ChartElementOutline ChartElementType ...
After changing the scale of the axis, you may also want to change the way that the axis is formatted. For more information, seeChange the display of chart axes. Scaling does not change the gap depth or gap width between data series. To change the gap depth or width...
return Double(step)letstep=Double(self.maxAmount/4)print("setp ==\(step)")returnstep}/// 纵坐标值显示间距funcwidthForYAxisLabelInDepthChart(in depthChart:CHDepthChartView)->CGFloat{return30}/// 纵坐标值funcdepthChart(chart:CHDepthChartView,labelOnYAxisForValue value:CGFloat)->String{if...
return Double(step)letstep=Double(self.maxAmount/4)print("setp ==\(step)")returnstep}/// 纵坐标值显示间距funcwidthForYAxisLabelInDepthChart(in depthChart:CHDepthChartView)->CGFloat{return30}/// 纵坐标值funcdepthChart(chart:CHDepthChartView,labelOnYAxisForValue value:CGFloat)->String{if ...
Returns or sets the depth of a 3D chart as a percentage of the chart width (between 20 and 2000 percent). Read/writeLong. Syntax expression.DepthPercent expressionA variable that represents aChartobject. Example This example sets the depth of Chart1 to be 50 percent of its width. The exam...
The following example sets the distance between the data series for the first chart in the active document to 200 percent of the marker width. You should run the example on a 3D chart (the GapDepth property fails on 2D charts).VB Kopier ...