[I]n exchange for a bidder's investment of the time and resources involved in bid preparation, a government agency must be held to an implied promise to consider bids honestly and fairly. Breach of this implied contract on the part of an agency entitles a disappointed bidder to recover the ...
Among some of the attached units were ‘cellular’ detachments, such as the159th,160thand the161st Medical Service Detachmentswhich provided the HC with a number of skills used in the maintenance or construction of utilities (blacksmiths, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, riggers, and repairmen...
The Medical Detachments of the501st, 502dand506th Parachute Infantry Regimentsand the377th Parachute Field Artillery Battaliondropped on the Cotentin Peninsula between Montebourg and Carentan at approximately H-4. The marked scattering of medical personnel made it almost impossible to collect the men...
and new Medical Officers, who were not of use in the organization, were directly assigned to the Post’s Station Hospital for training in their respective new positions, beginning 20 January. Some additional Officers from other branches joined on 27 January 1943. The latter includedSecond...