Motor vehicles, used at the majority of Army Posts and Stations, and in the field. This vehicle was a 1 ½-ton, 2-wheel drive, panel body (use of light commercial delivery truck without important structural change) vehicle with a patient capacity of 4 litters, or 8 sitting, or various...
As 1945 arrived, the number of admissions to the 115th started to drop for the first time since the invasion began. A number of larger hospital units had been established in mainland Europe, closer to the frontline to deal with the casualties, which explains the decrease in workload for thi...
Starting4 December 1943the entire unit was restricted to the area as of 1500 hours. All telephone communications were cut off, no letters could be sent out, and then the loudspeaker blared out “2645-V” (the unit’s code number –ed), and alert orders were confirmed. After feasting on ...
160thand the161st Medical Service Detachmentswhich provided the HC with a number of skills used in the maintenance or construction of utilities (blacksmiths, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, riggers, and repairmen). They usually consisted of 6 Enlisted Men. Other similar units were the180th,1...
Incoming casualties brought in at Regimental Aid Station # 2, Sainte-Mère-Eglise. American and German medical personnel worked together at the facility, including a number of civilian volunteers. Sometime during the above period, there was a call for overseas replacements; theAirborne Commandimmediat...