The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of Labor dedicated to promoting safe and healthy working conditions for miners in the United States. MSHA provides training programs, compliance assistance, and enforcement of regulations to ensure the sa...
. Dept OB/GYN, UAMS, Little Rock ARdoi:10.1016/0002-9378(95)90909-5N. NagataY. MurataK. FujimoriT. HiranoS. DoiM. MatsuuraK. SudaT. IkedaRetour au numéro
Little Rock, AR., &VA Hospital, La Jolla, CA. Parathonmone and calcitonin in the pathogenesis of neonatal hypoca1cemi a. Hypocalcemia (HOC) is common in i nfant s of diabetic mothers (10M). premature newborns (NB), and asphyxiated infants. In addition, it is more frequent in boys ...