Department of Energy shelve construction of some high-priority research facilities. Factors affecting the agency's operation; Construction costs of Energy Department's scientific-research facilities. INSET: Construction Costs of Energy Department's New...McDonaldKim...
Since September 2023, the panel has published a series of "flash reports" to provide updates on the use of the emerging technology in House offices and relevant agencies, including the Architect of the Capitol; the Government Publishing Office; the Chief Administrative ...
The article deals with the inclusion of advanced petroleum based fuels in the Department of Energy Fiscal 2008 Budget proposed by U.S. President George W. Bush. The author mentions that as for the $6.9 million non-petroleum based fuels and lubricants program, research will continue development ...
Small Cutbacks Planned In Energy Dept. Budget; OMB Seeks Further Reductions in WeaponsThomas W. Lippman
Facing a barrage of criticism for the Obama Administration's decision to cancel the Yucca Mountain project, Under Secretary of Energy Kristina Johnson had few answers for the House Budget Committee at a July 27 hearing that was punctuated by several testy exchanges. Accompanied by Department of ...
Presents recommendations from the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, which included that all of the accelerators at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center be shut down in fiscal 1995 if support fails to keep pace with inflation. Reaffirmed commitment to the supercollider near Dallas; Difficulties in...