<tiny-hrapprover :value="value" :approval-person="person" title="选择权签人" + aria-label="Approval person selector" @update:approvalPerson="person = $event" :disabled="disabled" ></tiny-hrapprover> 📜 Review details Configuration used: CodeRabbit UI Review profile: CHILL 📥 Commits ...
One of the key obstacles to spam-curbing measures is that telecom companies profit from calls and messages traversing their networks, giving them little motivation to crack down on this unwanted traffic, Nikhil Narendran, a partner at Trilegal,told MediaNamain an interview last year. As such, mak...
Dept.forEnergyDevelopment andIndependence March18 th ,2010 GrantReportingTraining TrainingOutline:AppendixA •MonthlyReport –FiscalReporting •Monthly(formerlyQuarterly)Reports –ProgrammaticStatusReporting –MilestoneReporting –MetricsReporting –ComplianceReporting ...