Table 2:Test set predictions using majority vote Confusion MatrixActual: YesActual: No Predicted: Yes4 (TP)2 (FP) Predicted: No3 (FN)5 (TN) F1 scoreprecisionrecallaccuracy 0.6150.6670.5710.643 State of the emotion detection models exhibit AUC scores~0.7(my model had an AUC score of0.58),...
EQ-I 2.0. The Emotional Quotation-Inventory(Multi-Health Systems Inc., 2011) is a widely used measure of Emotional Intelligence. The EQ-I 2.0 is a licensed test where a fee is payable for each test taken. It can be taken and scored online (Multi-Health Systems, Inc., 2011). Emotional...
Prevalence of Depression or Depressive Symptoms by Study-Level Characteristics Among all 54 studies, the prevalence of depression or depressive symptoms significantly increased with baseline survey year (slope = 0.5% per calendar-year increase; 95% CI, 0.03%-0.9%; test of moderator, Q = ...
. A higher score indicates lower levels of behavioral self-regulation in children. The psychometric properties of CSIS have been examined in the Chinese context (Wang et al.2023). The findings indicated that the CSIS had good internal consistency reliabilities, test-retest reliability, and ...
Because depression and painful symptoms commonly occur together, we conducted a literature review to determine the prevalence of both conditions and the
These are the forced swim test, the chronic mild stress and the learned helplessness models, the Flinders sensitive line rats, which is a genetic model of depression and the lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness behaviour, a putative inflammatory model of depression. Collectively, our data have shown ...
Note. Legend: IAT - Internet Addiction Test; Anx - Anxiety; Str - Stress; SQ - Quality of Sleep; Dpr - Depression. The numbers in the Figure show the calculated beta values. Table 3 shows depression was a statistically significant positive predictor of IA, whereas anxiety, stress, and the...
However, the DASS-21, and the resulting item properties, has been explored less in terms of modern test theories. One such theory is Item Response Theory (IRT), and we use IRT models to explore latent item and person traits of each DASS-21 sub-scale among people living in Malaysia. ...
Subjective Well-Being subscale of the European Social Survey – satisfaction of live; ESS-SWB-H, Subjective Well-Being subscale of the European Social Survey – happiness; LOT-O, Life Orientation Test – optimist; BPNS, Basic Psychological Needs Scale; RSE, Rosenberg Self-Est...
The comparative fit index (CFI), the tucker-lewis index (TLI), and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) test were used to guide the conclusion as to the model fit. The model is considered to have a satisfactory fit if: CFI and TLI are ≥ 0.90 and RMSEA is ≤...