Fraz K, Khan S, A., Sikander S: Screening for depression in coronary artery disease patients using PHQ-9. theHealth 2013, 4(1):3-6.Fraz K, Khan SA, Sikander S. Screening for depression in coronary artery disease patients using PHQ-9. Health. 2013;4(1):3–6....
Depression Screening Tool: PHQ-9 Test 1.5 > 友情链接抑郁症筛查工具:PHQ-9测试应用程序基于当前美国精神病协会在抑郁症测试中的金标准抑郁症筛查工具:PHQ-9测试应用程序基于当前美国精神病协会在抑郁症测试中的金标准。 PHQ-9是心理健康领域中最有效的工具之一,在诊断和监测患者...
Thombs, PhD; for the Depression Screening Data (DEPRESSD) PHQ Collaboration JAMA JAMA Insights Assessment of Depressive Symptoms in Medically Ill Patients Patrick Baumgart, MD; Thomas Garrick, MD JAMA Podcast (21:26) Screening for Depression in Adults 1x 0:00 / 0:00 Video Interview (2:51)...
The most commonly used screening instrument in clinical practice is the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Other screening instruments that may be longer but have been studied include the full PHQ modified for adolescents (PHQ-A) and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale....
BothPHQ-9andPHQ-2arevalidscreeninginstrumentsfordepressionintheruralelderly inChina,withrecommendedcut-offscoresof8and3respectively. Introduction Depressioniscommonamongtheelderly.InChina,theprevalenceofdepressivesymptoms was22.7%amongtheelderly,ruralareashigherthanurbanareas[1].Depressionisassociated ...
The study was designed to validate the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) for depression risk identification among pregnant women. Pregnant women were routinely administered the Prenatal Risk Overview, a comprehensive psychosocial screening interview, which included the PHQ-9, at their prenatal intake ...
The limited effect of screening for depressive symptoms with the PHQ-9 in rural family practices. Context : Previous studies have found that routine screening for depression does not improve patient outcome unless it is combined with case management. Ho... GR Bergus,AJ Hartz,R Noyes,... - 《...
Yuqing Song*, Jing Liu* and Xilin Wang* Abstract Background: This study aimed to explore the validity and reliability of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) on screening of depression among patients with neurological disorders, and to explore factors influencing such pa...
Diagnosis of depression has been found to negatively affect the quality-of-care management, quality of life, and results in an increase in hospital admissions with hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia events.Methods: A depression screening, the patient health questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), a validated screening ...
RESEARCH ARTICLE PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 for Screening Depression in Chinese Rural Elderly Zi-wei Liu, Yu Yu, Mi Hu, Hui-ming Liu, Liang Zhou, Shui-yuan Xiao* Department of Social Medicine and Health Management, Xiangya School of Public Health, Central South University, Chang...