Using a structured interview (CIDI), RBD was assessed in patients not meeting the criteria for depressive episodes lasting at least 2 weeks, as defined in the ICD-10 (DE). A substantial proportion of primary care seekers were identified as presenting RBD without other depressive disorders, 3.7%...
Emotion regulation (ER) often is impaired in current or remitted major depression (MD), although the extent of the deficits is not fully understood. Recent
The 12-month prevalence ranges from 0.3% (Czech Republic) to 10% (United States), and midrange examples of 4.5% (Mexico) and 5.2% (West Germany). Data from 18 countries indicate that the average lifetime and 12-month prevalence estimates of major depressive episodes are 14.6% and 5.5% ...
ICD-10: International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision IMV: Integrated motivational-volitional IOM: Institute of Medicine MDD: Major depressive disorder MeSH: Medical Subject Headings NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale OR: Odds ratio PRISMA: Systematic and Meta-analytical Preferred Reporting ...
Many patients with prostate cancer experience severe levels of depression, which can negatively affect their treatment and disease course. Some prostate cancer treatments can increase the severity of a patient’s depression, for example, by increasing an
Furthermore, our results have implications for the management of NSSI among depressed youth, as they may not always respond adequately to standard pharmacological interventions, particularly in cases where there are comorbid borderline traits [10]. Major depressive disorder often co-occurs with BPD. In...
A major strength of our study was the large nonselective inclusion of all women aged 45 years living in Denmark, who were followed up for as long as 22 years with almost no loss to follow-up. The information on use of HT was obtained from nationwide registers, with HT only being availab...
ICD-10: International classification of diseases, 10th revision IIP: Inventory of interpersonal problems LIFE: Longitudinal follow-up evaluation MDD: Major depressive disorder OPD-2: Operationalized psychodynamic diagnostics PAT: Psychoanalytically oriented treatments PEI: Psychoanalytic Intake Interview...
aged between 13 and 18 years and to have an IQ of at least 80, a raw summary score on the Children’s Depression Rating Scale Revised (CDRS-R) [24] of at least 36 [25], and a diagnosis of a mild, moderate, or severe major depressive episode according to ICD-10 criteria [26]....
About 50% of all depressed patients experience a single episode and recover completely; the rest have at least one recurrence. Major depression can profoundly alter social, family, and occupational functioning. However, suicide is the most serious consequence of major depression; the patient's feelin...