Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Health Study: Eating This Diet May Ease Chronic Pain 14 Things You Can Do To Lower Your Dementia Risk Can Amino Acid Supplements Help You Build Muscle? Could Eating Late Raise Your Diabetes Risk?
I’m concerned that I might hurt myself or others. Can you help me? Postpartum Progress does not have a crisis hotline and does not handle emergencies. If your needs are urgent, or if you fear that you may harm yourself, your baby or others you need to immediately call your healthcar...
If you feel like you have no one around you that you can share your emotions with, see a counsellor or call a suicide hotline. Email us if you feel like that will help( Remember, you are never alone. Anthony Bourdain was an inspiration, and his loss is a tr...
My meds help me be mostly stable, but of course I go hypo-manic or depressive every few months. Not as bad as before my meds, but that monster is still there. I haven't been to a therapist in a year or so because I don't know what to talk about that I haven't before. I ...