Providers Clinical Support System - Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (PCSS-MOUD) Radiology Health Equity Coalition (RHEC) SAGECare Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Society of Hospital Medicine Stanford Medicine University of California Center for Climate, Health and Equity Veterans Health Adm...
(Krist); New York University, New York (Kurth); Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, California (Owens); Stanford University, Stanford, California (Owens); University of Washington, Seattle (Phillips); Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (Phipps); University of North...
We screened consecutive VA primary care patients for depression; 761 Veterans with probable major depression participated in telephone surveys (at baseline, 7 months, and 18 months). Participants were asked about (1) openness to seeking help for emotional problems from spiritual counselors/clergy and...
Among our most successful work has been to expand the988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, which has answered more than 10 million calls, texts and chat messages in the past two years, helping desperate individuals and saving countless lives. The lifeline now has specialized tools for veterans, Spanis...
How did George Washington Carver help farmers? How was the cottage industry affected by the Industrial Revolution? How did the Industrial Revolution impact the food service industry? How did the Industrial Revolution affect families? How did farmers and veterans react to the Hoover administration? How...
adversely impact ART adherence for HIV-positive women and reduce the likelihood of HIV testing for women not aware of their HIV status which, in settings with high HIV prevalence, carries severe consequences. For HIV-positive men, findings suggest that depression may encourage help-seeking behavior...
Late-life depression occurring in older adults is common, recurrent, and malignant. It is characterized by affective symptoms, but also cognitive decline, medical comorbidity, and physical disability. This behavioral and cognitive presentation results fr
We conclude that the normative data provided in this study should help control for somatic responding by male chronic pain veterans on the BDI-II. We highly recommend that clinicians and researchers use the norm-referenced method when interpreting BDI-II scores from individuals suffering from chronic...
There were also other agencies created by F.D.R to help the unemployed. For example, the agency, CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps helped 18-25 years old men get jobs created by the government. The men had free shelter and food while sending money back to their families. Therefore, the...
Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement; 2016. 69. Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense. VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline: The Management of Major Depressive Disorder. US Government Printing Office; 2022. USPSTF Recommendation: Depression and Suicide Risk Screening in Children and...