If you live in the northern latitudes and sufferepression during the winter months, you may suffer from seasonal affective disorder caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight. Doctors aren't sure exactly what physiological mechanisms arc at work in SAD, but they speculate that depressed feelings ...
Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sorrow and a loss of interest in everyday activities. It affects how an individual feels, thinks and behaves. Many people have experienced a time in their life that brought them sadness and possibly caused them to lose interest...
A depressive episode can be caused by a traumatic experience or a stressful life event, but it does not have to be. Major depression can also be caused by a combination of brain chemicals and genetic makeup. Bipolar disorder (BPD) Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is...
including the mood changes associated with both. A sleepless night produces mood shifts that can become difficult to remedy if insomnia lasts beyond a few days. The mood changes caused by different types of insomnia
If you live in the northern latitudes and sufferepression during the winter months, you may suffer from seasonal affective disorder caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight. Doctors aren't sure exactly what physiological mechanisms arc at work in SAD, but they speculate that depressed feelings ...
Certain types of depression only occur in specific situations. Postpartum depression happens in women after giving birth and is related to hormonal changes. Seasonal Affective Disorder occurs in the winter months and is thought to be caused by a lack of natural sunlight. ...
If you live in the northern latitudes and suffer depression during the winter months, you may suffer from seasonal affective disorder caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight. Doctors aren’t sure exactly what physiological mechanisms are at work in SAD, but they speculate that depressed feelings...
Feeling down after a viral infection can be caused by the immune molecules that helped you recover. How to Protect Your Child From Social Media Negativity You can't stop negative and mean people from saying hurtful things to your child on social media. But you can use simple, proven techniqu...
Seasonal affective disorder(SAD), also known as major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, is a period of major depression that happens when seasons change. Most people experience SAD during the winter months, when the days grow short and you get less and less sunlight. It typically goes ...
depressions had chiefly noneconomic causes, such as wars and weather-induced crop failures. From c.1700 to 1825 economic crises were in the main speculative or commercial; since 1825 they have been increasingly industrial, although the Japanese recessions of the 1990s were caused in part by reduce...