Has anyone else on here ever sufferred with the same problem of depression and anxiety after surgery, and if so how did you cope? Also, how did any of you who was a carer cope and what did you do to reassure your partner? Remove...
Boyfriend broke up with me because he has depression and anxiety. Coping with a partner who is depressed, help? HOW TO PAINLESSLY BREAKUP WITH MY BOYFRIEND My depressed boyfriend broke up with me and I'm confused as how I should feel about the situati ...
These network studies have provided new insights into the relations and comorbidities of depression and anxiety symptoms. Moreover, network analysis can help us better understand how symptoms related to suicidal ideation. “Thoughts of death” was closely related to “psychomotor agitation/retardation” ...
I never consciously chose to make politics central to whether or not I can feel safe and healthy. It chose me. My epiphany is that I can choose what I decide to fill my mind with. I can work against their attempts to destabilize me. That takes me from being...
Many people seek individual therapy for help with anger, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, health issues, loneliness, OCD, self regulation, sexual problems, shame, parenthood, or relationship problems. Sometimes people seek therapy simply because of an uneasy feeling that something is off, but ...
Providing easier access to mental health care and reducing stigma may encourage people to seek help when they need it. I recently came across a study published in The Lancet that startled me. The findings on depression and anxiety disorder were grim, and no surprise, COVID-19 was the b...
Outside the medical world, a lot of people get confused between the terms anxiety and depression, as there is a very thin line of difference between the two. Both these disorders are connected to the mental health. However, both have a different set of diagnoses. ...
You are very lucky you and your sister are on the same page, have the paperwork in place, and got your mom to go to therapist. Plus your dad’s MCI sounds pretty manageable at this point. Any Chance you could get mom on Lexapro or anyth...
It's no surprise that caffeine and sugar can make things worse. Exercising, if they are capable, can help "burn off" some anxiety; it can also provide further structure and occupation rather than being 100 percent stuck inside their mind. The old saying is particularly true for sufferer...
i think i have depression/social anxiety, what do i do? Do I have social anxiety/depression? Who do I contact? do i have a mental disorder? I think i have social anxiety, what can i do to help me through this? Do I Have a Anxiety Dissorder? I want my families love and happiness...