This is because each plant has a differentdepreciationratefor the boilers. From theCambridge English Corpus This cost included consumable supplies, cost of staff, food cost, and depreciation of equipment (taking adepreciationrateof 20 percent). From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from...
Annualdepreciation=(value-netsalvagevalue)*everyyeardepreciationrate 年折旧额=(原值-净残值)*每一年的折旧率 7. compositedepreciationrateoffixed assets 固定资产综合折旧率 8. DepreciationRateandFresh Degree forEquipmentAssets ...
The rate of depreciation of this equipment is too high. 这种设备的折旧率太高。 Depreciation of machinery cost the company a lot of money last year. 去年该公司因机器折旧花了不了钱。 权威例句 Depreciation of Currency under German Law and German Conflict of Laws ...
When equipment is retired, accumulated depreciation is debited for the original cost less any residual recovery under which of the following depreciation methods? composite depreciation group depreciation A. No No B. No Yes C. Yes No D. Yes Yes 正确答案:D 分享到: 答案解析: D is cor...
3) provision for depreciation 预提折旧费,折旧备抵 4) Accumulated Depreciation-Equipment 累计折旧-设备 5) depreciation charges 折旧费用 例句>> 6) rate of depreciation charges 折旧费率 补充资料:费拏 【费拏】 (印相)妙音天之印相名。作奏乐之形也。广大仪轨中曰:“辩才即妙音,慧风持空,定仰在脐舒...
The construction of the project depreciable life, depreciation of equipment for 20 to 15 years, the net residual value rate was 5 per cent, on a disaggregated basis length $150,400 depreciation, major overhauls for the depreciation of $45,100 for 30 per cent. deferred assets Amortization 5 ...
Depreciation Reserve:a business fund in which the probable replacement cost of equipment is accumulated each year over the life of the asset, so it can be replaced readily when it becomes obsolete and totally depreciated.“折旧准备”账户属于资产类的备抵调整账户,其结构与一般资产账户的结构刚好相反...
设备折旧费depreciation of equipment 当期折旧费period depreciation charge 机器折旧费depreciation of machinery 房屋折旧费depreciation expense of house 每期折旧费[经] period depreciation charges 大修折旧费major repair depreciation rate; major repair depreciation expense ...
With this method, the equipment loses more of its value in the first few years and less in the later years. To calculate equipment depreciation using this method, first find your straight-line depreciation rate (see above) and then apply double that rate to the equipment’s remaining value ...
Residual value is usually expressed as a percentage of the equipment's original purchase price. Here's a simple formula for calculating residual value: 残值= 原始购买价格 × (1 - 折旧率) Residual Value = Original Purchase Price × (1 - Depreciation Rate) ...