depot_tools(谷歌更新于2019.8.3,禁止了cipd更新,直接可用,压缩rar大小184M)-C++工具类资源 刺心**se上传180.66 MB文件格式rardepot_tools chromium的depot_tools,windows版本,如果你被墙挡住了,可能需要它。这是我用国外的windows云服务器下载回来的,更新日期2019.8.3 ...
1、c:\src\depot_tools文件夹删除 2、将depot_tools解压包直接解压到c:\src\depot_tools,确保系统环境变量已修改 3、打开科学上网,开启全局变量(直接点击一般不是全局变量,需要设置,确定是全局变量),找到此工具的HTTP端口,我这里是33210,修改成你的 4、管理员身份开启cmd终端 5、终端依次输入 cd c:\src git ...
长时间没有响应或卡住时,这通常意味着 depot_tools 正在尝试更新自己或其依赖的工具。根据提供的参考信息,我可以给你一些步骤来解决或避免这个问题: 确认当前 depot_tools 版本: 在命令行中,你可以通过查看 depot_tools 目录下的 .git 文件夹来确定当前的 git 提交哈希值,这代表了当前的版本。 bash cd path/to...
WebRTC开发之webrtc/depot_tools/gn: line 8: exec: python: not found,最近更新了Mac系统macOSMonterey和最新的Xcode13.3,然后发现webrtc无法编发现可以运行,.
The app includes four tools to help you get any job done. Measure and calculate what you need on site, or save your measurements and reference them while shopping in-store to ensure you pick up exactly what you need. LOCATION SERVICESNo matter where you are, you can always find a Home ...
The app includes four tools to help you get any job done. Measure and calculate what you need on site, or save your measurements and reference them while shopping in-store to ensure you pick up exactly what you need. LOCATION SERVICESNo matter where you are, you can always find a Home ...