6.Atmospheric Nutrient Deposition at the East China Coast and Its Impact on Marine Primary Production;中国东部沿海的大气营养盐干、湿沉降及其对海洋初级生产力的影响 7.Settlement Properties of Impurities in the Concentrated Wet-process Phosphoric Acid浓缩湿法磷酸中杂质颗粒的沉降特性 8.Study on Bacterium ...
Hongisto, M.: Impact of the emissions of international sea traffic on airborne deposition to the Baltic Sea and concentrations at the coastline*, Oceanologia, 56, 349-372, https://doi.org/10.5697/oc.56-2.349, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0078323414500206, 2014....
Numerical Simulation of Erosion and Deposition at the Thailand Khao Lak Coast During the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, Nat Hazard 74 : 2251- 2277....
the coast,especially in the polder areas.Taking East Beach on Chongming Island in Shanghai as a case,this paper studied the patterns of erosion and deposition in the last 30 years and made a prediction for its future tendency.Based on this,subsidence effects on the new deposits were explained...
is likely not the main determining factor for DOP utilization although it has an influence due to the temperature-dependence of enzyme activity. For example, in the subtropical Atlantic at relatively high seawater temperatures (21–29 °C) and off the coast of northern Oregon at relatively low ...
18 August 2015 Published: 08 October 2015 Storm deposition layer on the Fujian coast generated by Typhoon Saola (2012) Yunhai Li1, Haidong Li1,2, Lei Qiao3, Yonghang Xu1, Xijie Yin1 & Jianhua He4 Typhoons have a significant effect on the marine depositional environment and ...
Atmospheric deposition samples were collected biweekly from April 1989 to June 1990 at coast of the Japan Sea in Tsuruoka. The samples were analyzed for Si, Na and SO42-. The deposition rate of particulate-Si showed spring peak as well as that of the atmospheric concentration. The annual dep...
The annual deposition of macroalgal detritus on this coast was estimated at 15 000 tonnes fresh weight, that is around 75% of the primary production of filamentous macroalgae in Puck Bay. In comparison with the amounts of kelp deposited on sandy beaches in South Africa (Griffiths & Stenton-...
In situ measurements of atmospheric NO(3)(-) and NH(4)(+) at Sandy Hook on the northern New Jersey (USA) coast and at Tuckerton on the southern New Jersey coast reveal significant temporal and spatial variations of these inorganic N constituents. The mean concentration of NO(3)(-) in ...
theopensea.The southern beaches arebecom i ngstabl e f romprevi ous erosi on,w hi chi s consi stentto the coastl i necom pari sonof 2001 and2009.Thedeposi ti onrate at the Sham ei nei haiLagoonw as 2m m /yronaverage,w hi chw as si m i l ar to the resul ts i n2001....