1. Introduction Safety, cost efficiency and overall system optimization via artificially intelligent (AI) machine learning (ML) as well as deep learning (DL) algorithms are goals set by modern day industries that invest heavily in output maximization [1]. To improve safety and ore tracking ...
The second specimen is dried, weighed accurately, mixed with lithium tetraborate-lithium metaborate- lithium nitrate in a platinum crucible and melted at 1050 ◦C in a melting machine. The molten slurry was made into molten flakes whose major elements were determined using a PANalytical PW2424 ...
A Tribotechnic (Clichy, France) scratch tester machine with a diamond Rockwell stylus with a radius of 200 µm was employed to carry out scratch tests. In all cases, a linearly increasing load from 0 to 150 N was used with a scratch velocity of 6.75 mm/min. The scratch length was ...