Kids Definition depopulate verb de·pop·u·late (ˈ)dē-ˈpäp-yə-ˌlāt : to reduce greatly the population of (as a city or region) by destroying or driving away the inhabitants depopulated by plague depopulation (ˌ)dē-ˌpäp-yə-ˈlā-shən ...
Depopulate definition: to remove or reduce the population of, as by destruction or expulsion.. See examples of DEPOPULATE used in a sentence.
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Define depopulate. depopulate synonyms, depopulate pronunciation, depopulate translation, English dictionary definition of depopulate. tr.v. de·pop·u·lat·ed , de·pop·u·lat·ing , de·pop·u·lates To reduce sharply the population of, as by disease
UK:**UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/diːˈpɒpjʊleɪt/ definition|in French|Conjugación[ES]|English synonyms|Conjugator[EN]|in context|images Inflectionsof 'depopulate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) ...
To deprive of inhabitants, wholly or in part, whether by death or by expulsion; dispeople; reduce the population of. To become dispeopled. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. transitive verbTo deprive of inhabitants, whether by death or by expulsion; ...
Define depopulates. depopulates synonyms, depopulates pronunciation, depopulates translation, English dictionary definition of depopulates. tr.v. de·pop·u·lat·ed , de·pop·u·lat·ing , de·pop·u·lates To reduce sharply the population of, as by di
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