上一张 Depo-Provera Perpetual Calendar Calculator chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 Depo-Provera Perpetual Calendar Calculator chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 简介: 计算Depo-Provera 下次注射日期范围。 呼吁所有使用 Depo-Provera 的医疗保健专业人员!厌倦了在 PDF* 中搜索无数行日期来确定患者何时需要回来?
Pure, long-acting gestagen, medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera), was tested as a contraceptive agent in a dose of 150 mg i. m. every 12th week. 139 women were observed for altogether 1 251 calendar months without any undesired pregnancy occurring in the group. The normal regular ...
药店国别: 产地国家:美国 处方药:是 所属类别: 150毫克/毫升/瓶 包装规格: 150毫克/毫升/瓶 计价单位:瓶 生产厂家中文参考译名
Depo-subQ provera 104 is a drug for birth control. It also helps relieve pain related to endometriosis (en-do-ME-tree-OH-sis). Symptoms of endometriosis arise when cells normally inside youruterusgrow outside the uterus. The cells respond to menstrual cycle hormones, and may cause painful pe...