39 EADS ANNUAL REVIEW 2012 Achieving our goals Astrium saw an increase in both revenues and profitability, supported by strong programme execution in all three business units and efficiency gains resulting from the Agile transformation programme. 40 In 2012, Astrium built on its ...
EHR data is predominantly used for front line recording and communication within care units. Missing data, or inconsistencies can be resolved if and when they become relevant to direct care by patient/care unit interaction. Such error correction routines are not possible in secondary use scenarios ...
spanning-tree bpduguard enable switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access load-interval 30The Autoconf feature provides one built-in parameter map (BUILTIN_DEVICE_TO_TEMPLATE) with the following configuration:Parameter-map name: BUILTIN_DEVICE_TO_TEMPLATE Map: 10 device-type regex "Cis...