If you are looking for a host website, you can try Firebase, heroku or AWS... Today, I tried to deploy a simple website to Firebase, it looks like prettry simple to do that. 1. Install: npm install -g firebase-tools 2. Go to your project root folder: firebase init 3. Deploy f...
- name: Deploy to Firebase run: | cp -r build/web ./public firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN" - name: Notification if: cancelled() == false uses: xinthink/action-telegram@v1.1 23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions 23 firebase.json Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff...
If you are looking for a host website, you can try Firebase, heroku or AWS... Today, I tried to deploy a simple website to Firebase, it looks like prettry simple to do that. 1. Install: npm install -g firebase-tools 1. 2. Go to your project root folder: firebase init 1. 3....
flutter build web firebase init hosting 3.firebase deploy --only hosting If we don't run the commandfirebase init hostingwe get the below error: Target dart2js failed: Exception: Error: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = -- /Users/asandoval/dev/flutter/friendlyeats-flutter/.dart...
I have a Github project with two branches, and most of my work are done in a subbranch, and when I moved my work to main branch and deployed to Firebase, I am greeted with this error: https://<proj-name>.web.app/js/chunk-vendors.1f64ded0.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (...
vue-cli-plugin-firebase-deploy Vue-cli 3 plugin to add firebase deploy task vue vue-cli gardan •0.0.5•6 years ago•0dependents•WTFPLpublished version0.0.5,6 years ago0dependentslicensed under $WTFPL 34 purser-cli cli for react ssr deploy on serverless or tradtional web server ...
Deploy a Spring Boot based Java app build with Gradle WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml to gcloud Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 script: - pipe: atlassian/google-app-engine-deploy:0.4.1 variables: KEY_FILE: $KEY_FILE PROJECT: 'pipes-java-gradle-spring-boot' DEPLOYABLES: 'src/main/WEB-INF/app...
With Deno, Supabase Functions get first class TypeScript support, ESM style imports, out of the box security, and support for modern web APIs. If you haven’t heard of Supabase before, it is an open source Firebase alternative, that provides backend services to create and deploy websites, ...
Firebase AWS Amplify Kinvey Deploying a React App on Back4app Deploying a React application on Back4app can be highly advantageous due to its straightforward deployment process, which can save significant time. Additionally, Back4app includes a pre-built database that can store data for your Reac...