In this tutorial, we’re going to have a look at how to deploy a war file on the JBoss server. We can deploy the war file either by placing the file in the suitable directory manually or directly from Eclipse. 2. Deploying the WAR File by Hand If we already have the war file and ...
在JBoss中部署deploy目录之外的war文件,可以通过以下步骤实现: 将war文件复制到JBoss服务器的standalone/deployments目录下。 在standalone/configuration/standalone.xml文件中,添加以下配置: 代码语言:<deployments> 复制 <deployment name="your-war-file.war" runtime-name="your-war-file.war"> <fs-archive path...
Long Time Taken to Deploy WAR on JBoss... Somnath Mallick Ranch Hand Posts: 483 posted 14 years ago Hi Everyone, I am trying to deploy a small war file in JBoss around the size of 500KB and I don't know why it is taking more than 45 mins to do it. I see the logs and ...
Once the war has been undeployed, there will be a file called ${jboss.deployments.dir}/${war.filename}.war.undeployed in the deployments directory. To prompt a redeployment, you can either delete the .undeployed file, or create a file with the same name as the war and a .dodeploy exten...
5.GA/server/default/./tmp/deploy/tmp3181axis2-exp.war/ WEB-INF/modules/axis2-scripting-1.4.mar 14:09:30,160 INFO [ModuleDeployer] Deploying module: metadataExchange-1.4 - file:/C:/Program Files/jboss/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/./tmp/deploy/tmp3181axis 2-exp.war/WEB-INF/modules/...
原文地址: 另外:jboss.web目录为jsp编译文件路径,standalone模式下路径为:/jboss_home/standalone/tmp/work/jboss.web/default-host/ 服务器访问日志access_log.date目录为:/jboss_home/standalone/log/default-host/ ...
wildfly jboss deploy 报 拒绝访问 用maven clean package wildfly:deploy 部署war,不时报拒绝访问。有时重启wildfly即可。有时需要在standalone.xml中删除war部署: <deployments> <deployment name="italktv-statistics.war" runtime-name="italktv-statistics.war">...
i downloaded the archives of gtac and run tem.bat and updated form there the aws but i dont know how do deploy with jboss the new awc.war someon know how it is implemented with jboss? attached the PDF with the steps that i used for the update aws 4.3 from the tem.bat ...
Can we deploy multiple application on JBoss at the same time? Syahir Jai Greenhorn Posts: 10 posted 14 years ago I am wondering if it is possible to deploy multiple servlets at the same time?, meaning that having multiple war file deployed at the same file in the deploy directory and...