Next, you spin up the React app. You should have your React app on your local machine or a GitHub repository. If you have it on Github,clone the repo to your machineOR create a new sample react app usingVite, by running the following command: npmcreate vite@latest react-app ---t...
01. Create a vite react app npm create vite@latest 02. Set the base onvite.config base:"/[REPO_NAME]/"; 03. Create ./github/workflows/deploy.yml and add the code bellow name:Deployon:push:branches: -mainjobs:build:name:Buildruns-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -name:Checkout repouses:actions...
1. In a new terminal window,runthe following command to use Vite to create a React application: npm create vite@latest notesapp -- --template react cd notesapp npm install npm run dev 2. In the terminal window, select and open theLocal linkto view the Vite + React application. ...
Error: Could not create certificate. at file:///github/workspace/vite.config.js.timestamp-1711659903508-baa8584510e9a.mjs:27:11 ( etc...) The portion of the vite.config.js file throwing this error (out-of-the-box code): const baseFolder = env.APPDATA !== undefined && env.APP...
Nuxt.js is an open-source framework made on top of Vue.js, Nitro, and Vite, which allows you to develop web apps. Inspired by Next.js (a React framework for Server Side Rendering), Nuxt.js enables developers to craft fast web applications by applying different rendering modes. ...
Deploy Error: Health Checks Vite App failes to deploy Hello-Currently recieving an error when attempting to deploy a svelte vite app. Does anyone kno…
Each link opens the sample app’s repository in GitHub. We provide the following sample apps: Django Docker Express.js Flask Gatsby Go Hexo Hugo Jekyll Laravel Next.js Node.js Nuxt.js PHP Python React React using Vite Ruby Static assets TypeScript Vue.js...
目前DeployKit 支持 30+ 前后端主流开发框架,以及 6 个部署平台。开发框架如 Next.js、Koa.js、Malagu、Nest.js、Vite、Vue、React、Angular、Flet、UmiJS 等等前后端框架;部署平台有腾讯云云函数、阿里云函数计算、Azure Functions(正在开发中)、AWS Lambda、Vercel 平台、云服务器。
我遇到了同样的问题,它与从.tsx导入.jsx文件有关,当tsconfig.json compile_options配置为:
Updated inactive Links on Angular and React-Vite Apps Jan 31 at 4:59 AM Deploy Preview #829: patch-1@3a16b8c failed Reexport ffmpeg constants (version, url) in index Jan 25 at 8:19 AM Deploy Preview #825: fix/typo-migration@7bcdf00 completed Fix typo in migration docs Jan 20 ...