1、资源配置清单 为了更好的解决服务编排的问题,Kubernetes在V 1.2版本开始,引入了Deployment控制器,这种控制器并不会直接管理Pod,而是通过管理ReplicaSet来间接管理Pod,所以Deployment的功能比ReplicaSet更强大; 参数查询方法: [root@master ~]# kubectl explain deploy 1. 参数汇总梳理: apiVersion:apps/v1#版本信息...
The Kubernetes server runs locally within your Docker instance, is not configurable, and is a single-node cluster. It runs within a Docker container on your local system, and is only for local testing. Turning on Kubernetes allows you to deploy your workloads in parallel, on Kubernetes, Swarm...
Make sure that Kubernetes is turned on in Docker Desktop: If Kubernetes isn't running, follow the instructions inOrchestrationto finish setting it up. Introduction Now that you've demonstrated that the individual components of your application run as stand-alone containers, it's time to arrange ...
compose:config for nginx and registry on current deploy node kubespray:kubespray deployment config invenory:ssh config for nodes of kubernetes cluster default:default config valuescomposeparameterdescriptionexample internal_ip reachable IP of deploy node nginx_http_port nginx serve port 8080...
A step by step guide with annotated screenshots documenting the deployment of a Node.js (Docker) application to Kubernetes using Octopus Deploy and Jenkins
When the cluster is no longer needed, use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, container service, container registry, and all related resources.Azure CLI Copy Open Cloud Shell git reset --hard docker rmi ${TODO_QUARKUS_TAG}:1.0 docker rmi postgres az group delete --...
Nais deploy: multi-cluster Kubernetes deployments. Contribute to nais/deploy development by creating an account on GitHub.
dockerRegistryEndpoint specifies the name of the Azure Container Registry Services connection. azureSubscriptionConnection specifies the name of the ARM Services connection. azureResourceGroup specifies the name of your resource group. kubernetesCluster specifies the name of your AKS cluster. namespace speci...
2.19 Docker 安装 3. harobr 安装 4. etcd 安装 4.1 配置 etcd 目录 4.2 安装签发证书工具c fssl 4.3 配置 etcd CA证书 4.4 生成证书 4.5 自签CA签发Etcd HTTPS证书 4.6 安装 etcd 4.7 创建 etcd 配置文件 4.8 创建启动服务 4.9 同步文件至 kube-master02 与 kube-master03 4.10 检查 etcd 状态 5. 部署...
Kubernetes client (kubectl) access to DockerHub, RedHat Container Catalog, or a private repository that can hold the required images.Create a new namespaceImportant: Each namespace can only contain one Redis Enterprise cluster. Multiple RECs with different operator versions can coexist on the same ...