HiKeywan, I don't think if you can deploy a script with a XML configuration file directly with the new feature starting with SCCM 1802, waiting for a Microsoft member to confirm or not that. Btw, why not create a simple Package with a content that has the Powershell script and the XM...
You can now run and deploy Powershell script from the SCCM console. In addition, all directly from the SCCM Console. SCCM Deploy PowerShell Script
What is the name of the SCCM 2012 SQL view or table to show the application deployment status? When running powershell script as a program package from SCCM, command: "Import-Module ServerManager" fails where can I view application installation logs for client software?
microsofteditorguideploymentpackagingsccmintunepsadttasksequencesoftware-packagingpsappdeploytoolkiteasypackaging UpdatedJan 18, 2025 PowerShell aaronparker/m365apps Sponsor Star11 Code Issues Pull requests PowerShell script and workflow for creating and importing a Win32 package into Intune for the Microsoft...
package deployment powershell sccm psappdeploytoolkit Updated Jan 29, 2024 PowerShell deployment-guru / Microsoft-NET-Desktop-Runtime-3-1 Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests Die .NET Core Desktop Runtime ermöglicht es Ihnen, bestehende Windows Desktopanwendungen auszuführen. package deploymen...
You can customize other options based on your requirements. When you are done with customization, click File and selectSave Package. This creates a new transformation fileAcroRead.mstin the folder where the installer is present. Create Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Application in SCCM ...
The second one would be to deploy using a standard package or application. Script Feature We’ll start by deploying it using the SCCM Script feature In the SCCM Console, go to Software Library\Scripts Create a new PowerShell script with this command (Change the FoD name if needed) Get-...
2.Change the script type to PowerShell and enter in the cmdlets get-hotfix | Where-Object {$_.HotFixID -match “KBxxxxxx”} If you run into any execution policy errors or script not signed, you’ll need to change the PowerShell Execution Poli...
Here's a powershell script to automate setting up wds, mdt, adk, surface pro 3 drivers into a working lab -http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/11479-how-can-i-deploy-windows-81-x64-to-the-microsoft-surface-pro-3-using-mdt-2013/ Anonymous December 03, 201...
To silently install Adobe CC without having to use the Package Tool and get rid of the sign-in window, you can do the following: Set-up.exe --silent End the "Creative Cloud.exe" process. I run a PowerShell script to end the process after the install: $ErrorActionPreference =...