github-pages.yml 181 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor Merge pull request #373 from haubourg/webp_biggest_images 🛫 Deploy Hugo site to Pages #239: Commit 6f24c3d pushed by timlinux main August 1, 2024 13:21 4m 55s Merge pull request #385 from Xpirix/sustaining_members...
Updated links on home page Deploy Hugo site to Pages #2: Commit fbbbebc pushed by n3ry7 main October 1, 2024 22:22 51s Added workflow for github pages Deploy Hugo site to Pages #1: Commit 740d4bf pushed by n3ry7 main October 1, 2024 19:37 59s ...
Step 2. Chose a Theme for Your Site To find a theme for our site, we will use anofficial Hugo hub. There are a lot of themes; you can choose any of them. But my favorite option is to discover it via GitHub. Because you can filter repositories by stars, forks, maintaining, etc. ...
There a few other fun ways to get your site out into the world: Use the Netlify CLI’s create from template command netlify sites:create-template hugo-quickstart which will create a repo, Netlify project, and deploy it If you want to utilize continuous deployment through GitHub webhooks, run...
git submodule add themes/ananke Note Hugo has manyavailable themesthat can be installed as a submodule of your Hugo site’s directory. Add the theme to your Hugo site’sconfiguration file. The configuration file (config.toml) is located at...
Render支援一些静态网站产生器,像是Hugo和Jekyll,当然也支援React和Vue,以及衍生的框架像是Gatsby、Next.js和Nuxt.js。部署之前,Render会帮你编译和打包,你也可以部署多个版本到不同网站来做测试(反正是免费的)。 流量超过100GB之后,每GB收0.1美元。 Render的CDN是由Fastly提供。
使用自定义域名来访问GitHub上部署的hugo博客——GitHub Pages hugo博客搭建好了,但访问的时候只能是以固定的域名形式(用户名进行访问。这时可以通过购买域名的方式行实现自定义域名访问。可以去国外买或者国内,国内都是需要备案的。例如这个就是国外购买域名的网站,直接购买即可...
It is also a great option for static site generation (SSG) and Jamstack deployments, as it provides a seamless integration with popular static site generators like Gatsby, Hugo, and Jekyll. Over 200k developers use LogRocket to create better digital experiences Learn more →Netlify’s split ...
GitHub, until a new deploy is live on our CDN was around 6 seconds for our test project! Setting up continuous deployment for a Hugo project is straight forward, here’s the settings for our test site: We’ve simply set the build command to hugo to track the latest hugo release, but ...
However, Amplify Hosting supports many other SPA frameworks, such as Angular, Vue, Next.js, and it also support single-site generators, such as Gatsby, Hugo, and Jekyll. This pattern is intended for AWS builders who have experience with the followi...