firebase init hosting 3.firebase deploy --only hosting If we don't run the commandfirebase init hostingwe get the below error: Target dart2js failed: Exception: Error: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = -- /Users/asandoval/dev/flutter/friendlyeats-flutter/.dart_tool/flutter_build...
npm i -g firebase-tools cd functions && yarn - name: Build flutter web run: | flutter config --enable-web flutter pub get - name: Build run: | flutter build web touch build/web/.nojekyll echo '' > build/web/CNAME echo "${{ secrets.FirebaseInitJs }}" | base...
The solution comes with a feature-rich and easy-to-use dashboard and acommand line interface (CLI). They also provide SDKs for all your favorite tools like Flutter, React Native, Node.js, Angular, Android, iOS & more! Back4app’s key features include: Spreadsheet-like database REST and...