we developed one FIori app in SAP WebIDE, and deployed successfully to the Gateway server. Once deployed to the server application name generated. Am started to create a custom tile based on the am configuring. Here i stuck, actually not only me many of buddies faced same issue i read lot...
Local annotations are reflecting in sap smart cont... Re: Restrict delete access on custom Fiori app Re: SAC Broadcast Report Zip File View all
Step 6: Test the application in the Fiori Launchpad. Open the Fiori Launchpad using transaction/n/UI2/FLP. Click on thetileto open the SAPUI5 App. YourSAPUI5 applicationwill now be loaded inSAP Fiori Launchpadas shown above. Summary I would like to conclude that by reading this blog ...
To access this page navigate to: https://fiorilaunchpad-<accountname>.dispatcher.hana.ondemand.com/sap/hana/uis/clients/ushell-app/shells/fiori/FioriLaunchpad.html?mode=admin The applications are launch from tiles. Today, there are three tile types: [1] Static tiles that run any static app...
使用一个具有Business Role SAP_CORE_BC_EXT的用户登录S/4HANA: 在Custom Catalog Extensions tile里搜索需要配置到SAP Fiori Launchpad里的UI5应用: 点击Add按钮: 这样,凡是具有SAP_CORE_BC_EXT role的用户,待上述修改通过Publish按钮发布之后,都能看见刚刚被添加到catalog里去的自开发...SAP...
SAP Fiori tools Hey together, i wanted to get familiar with BAS and the deployment to the cloud foundry... I want to have the Fiori Freestyle App as a standalone app without Launchpad running on the CF... When I now create a simple app with the wizard in the BAS and build th...
4) Development of simple ui5 app in business application studio. Go to your business application studio click on Menu->File->New Project From Template-->click on SAP Fiori application. Choose the application type, then the application.
ERR! builder:custom deploy-to-abap Duplicate Id: Id mandate.zhrman already contained in SAPUI5 Repository ZHR_MAN ERR! builder:custom deploy-to-abap SAP Note: See SAP Note 2177717 for more details (https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2177717) ERR! builder:custom deploy-to-abap SAP...