1、资源配置清单 为了更好的解决服务编排的问题,Kubernetes在V 1.2版本开始,引入了Deployment控制器,这种控制器并不会直接管理Pod,而是通过管理ReplicaSet来间接管理Pod,所以Deployment的功能比ReplicaSet更强大; 参数查询方法: [root@master ~]# kubectl explain deploy 1. 参数汇总梳理: apiVersion:apps/v1#版本信息...
Open the Docker Desktop Dashboard and navigate to Settings. Select the Kubernetes tab. Toggle on Enable Kubernetes. Choose your cluster provisioning method. You can choose either Kubeadm or kind if you are signed in and are using Docker Desktop version 4.38 or later. If you select kind you ca...
$ docker build -t paralin/deploy-kubernetes latest To run the image: $ docker run --rm --name deploy-kubernetes-run \ -v$(pwd):/azk/deploy/src \ -v$HOME/.kube:/azk/deploy/.kube \ paralin/deploy-kubernetes License My Dockerfiles distributed under theApache License....
Part 1: create a Kubernetes cluster Part 2: build Docker images and deploy to Kubernetes Part 3: automate deployments with CI/CD In this post, I will demonstrate how to how to create aDocker imagefor an application, then push that image toDocker Hub.I will also discuss how to create and...
使用上面的Dockerfile构建镜像,并推送到自己的镜像仓: docker build -t <user-image> . docker push <user-image> 2、启动一个Flink应用集群 ./bin/flink run-application \ --detached \ --parallelism 4 \ --target kubernetes-application \ -Dkubernetes.cluster-id=k8s-ha-app-1 \ ...
A step by step guide with annotated screenshots documenting the deployment of a Node.js (Docker) application to Kubernetes using Octopus Deploy and Jenkins
Download and install Docker Desktop as described in Get Docker. Work through containerizing an application in Part 2. Make sure that Kubernetes is turned on in Docker Desktop: If Kubernetes isn't running, follow the instructions in Orchestration to finish setting it up. ...
然后在所有node上:docker load -i k8s.tar 然后注释掉 deploy_k8s_master.sh、node_install_k8s.sh 中的下列几行 #forimagenamein${images[@]};do#docker pull zhaoyansheng/$imagename#docker tag zhaoyansheng/$imagenamek8s.gcr.io/$imagename#docker rmi zhaoyansheng/$imagename#done#docker pull quay....
In this unit, you'll learn how to: Update the pipeline to trigger on a commit to the main branch. Define variables to be shared across the pipeline. Build and publish Docker images. Publish Kubernetes manifests. Add a task to create an image pull secret for use between your Kubernetes an...
kubernetesv1.32.0 etcdv3.5.16 dockerv26.1 containerdv2.0.2 cri-ov1.32.0 (experimental: seeCRI-O Note. Only on fedora, ubuntu and centos based OS) Network Plugin cni-pluginsv1.4.0 calicov3.29.1 ciliumv1.15.9 flannelv0.22.0 kube-ovnv1.12.21 ...