如果解压后的目录如下图所示,则入口执行文件路径为“AnsibleDemo/install.yml”。 如果解压后的目录如下图所示,则入口执行文件路径为“install.yml”。 代码仓库使用案例 在应用步骤信息配置页面,“选择playbook来源”勾选“代码仓库”。 单击“选择代码仓库”属性下拉框,选择对应的代码仓库对应的地址(即代码仓库存放...
Describes how to install the Splunk Observability Cloud OpenTelemetry Collector Ansible role on Windows.
Azure CLI Copy Open Cloud Shell # Create a resource group az group create --name myapp-rg --location eastus # Create a container registry az acr create --resource-group myapp-rg --name mycontainerregistry --sku Basic # Create a Kubernetes cluster az aks create \ --resource-group myapp...
Azure CLI Copy Open Cloud Shell # Create a resource group az group create --name myapp-rg --location eastus # Create a container registry az acr create --resource-group myapp-rg --name mycontainerregistry --sku Basic # Create a Kubernetes cluster az aks create \ --resource-group myapp...
了解我们 搜索 技术支持软件下载云计算CodeArts 版本名称CodeArts 软件名称clouddeploy__docker-ansible-euleros-international___arm- 发布时间2023-12-22 文件大小1.97GB 软件说明 软件下载下载 下载该文件即表示您同意华为企业软件许可协议的条款和条件 ...
了解我们 搜索 技术支持软件下载云计算CodeArts 版本名称CodeArts 软件名称clouddeploy__docker-ansible-euleros-international___8.4.10.008.tar.cms 发布时间2023-12-22 文件大小5.47KB 软件说明 软件下载下载 下载该文件即表示您同意华为企业软件许可协议的条款和条件 ...
Now you should also be able to connect to your newly created instances with: $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_nginx root@<instance-ip-address> Start an Nginx webserver on the created Instances Now that our infrastructure is set up, let’s see how we can use Ansible to start services. ...
This configuration has been completed for Huawei Cloud ECSs (Linux) by default. You do not need to configure it again. However, you need to configure it for Windows ECSs.Configuring a Linux Host To ensure that the connectivity verification of the Linux host is successful, ensure that Python ...
Can be deployed onAWS, GCE,Azure,OpenStack,vSphere,Equinix Metal(bare metal), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (Experimental), or Baremetal Highly availablecluster Composable(Choice of the network plugin for instance) Supports most popularLinux distributions ...
It is not available for Kubernetes clusters that are running in IBM Cloud.In just a few minutes, you can have an instance of the IBM Blockchain Platform 2.5.3 up and running on your cluster.Prerequisites Before using the playbook, you must have completed the following steps: Purchase an ...