Define the terraform block in the file. You must use the AzureRM provider at a minimum version of 3.74, since that is the minimum for the landing zone module. terraform{required_providers{azurerm ={source ="hashicorp/azurerm"version =">= 3.74.0"}}} Copy The>=syntax is aversion...
Azure 登陸區域 Terraform 模組會發佈至官方 Terraform 登錄 ,並由 HashiCorp 驗證。從Terraform Registry 部署模組提供:在您的環境中加速傳遞 Azure 登陸區域。 最新版模組的已測試升級路徑,以及嚴格的版本控制。使用模組的優點使用Azure 登陸區域 Terraform 模組的優點包括:...
To run your workloads in Oracle Cloud, you need a secure environment that you can operate efficiently. This reference architecture provides a Terraform-based landing zone template that is certified by the Center for Internet Security (CIS) to meet the se
the.terraform.lock.hclfile ensures thatTerraform uses the same provider versions for each run. theproviders.tffile defines the three Azure providers this configuration uses. This configuration supports multi-subscription workloads, so that different teams can manage each submodule. If you do not p...
Deletion can be enabled in Landing Zone by setting enable_cmp_delete variable to true in file. However, compartments may take a long time to delete. Not deleting compartments is ok if you plan on reusing them. For more information about deleting compartments in OCI via Terraform, ...
terraform-azurerm-lz-vending in entity - one of 'environment', 'pull_request', 'tag', or 'branch' value - identifies the entity type, e.g. main when using entity is branch. Should be blank when entity is pull_request. Type: ...
Azure VMware Solution-landingszoneversneller ARM-, Bicep- en Terraform-sjablonen waarmee VMware-implementaties worden versneld, waaronder de privécloud van Azure VMware Solution, jumpbox, netwerken, bewaking en invoegtoepassingen. Azure Virtual Desktop-landingszoneversneller ARM-, Bicep- en Terraform...
此Terraform 堆栈创建云管理器 (Cloud Manager,CM) VM 和负载平衡器以及 CM 应用程序引导。 全球设计决策 运行IAM 堆栈时,您必须做出决策并输入多个变量。 Environment category identity secret:以名称格式选择与 EBS 工作量的特定环境类别对应的密钥:identity-"lz prefix"-...
使用Terraform 部署 AWS Control Tower 控件 部署可检测代码中安全问题的管道 为公共子网部署侦探控制 为公有子网部署预防性控制 使用Terraform 为AWSWAF解决方案部署安全自动化 检测CA 证书即将过期的 Amazon RDS 实例 使用IAM访问分析器动态生成IAM策略 启用GuardDuty 使用 CloudFormation ...
Prerequisiti e limitazioni Prerequisiti Un'applicazione di microservizi Java esistente su un hub Docker Un repository Docker pubblico Un account attivo AWS Familiarità con AWS i servizi, tra cui Amazon ECS e Fargate Framework Docker, Java e Spring Boot ...