Use Azure Resource Manager and Azure PowerShell to deploy resources to Azure. The resources are defined in a Resource Manager template.
Upload the package (.cspkg or .zip) file and configuration (.cscfg) file to the storage account by using the Azure portal or Azure PowerShell. Save the shared access signature (SAS) URIs for both files to add to the ARM template in a later step. (Optional) Create a key vault and ...
In this quickstart, you use Azure PowerShell to quickly deploy a containerized web app that runs in an isolated Azure container instance
Obtain the service principal information needed for the ARM template deployment. In Windows, you can do this using Azure PowerShell. Application ID: $servicePrincipal.ApplicationId Object ID: $servicePrincipal.Id AAD Tenant ID: (Get-AzureRmContext).Tenant.TenantId Base-64 PFX file contents: [Syst...
Azure CLI VS Code Azure portal First, you need to configure Azure App Service to output logs to the App Service filesystem by using theaz webapp log configcommand. bash PowerShell terminal Azure CLI az webapp log config\--web-server-loggingfilesystem \--name$APP_SERVICE_NAME\--resource-gro...
If we now add a Shell script with a simple echo from that value, we can see that on the console the containername to be printed. -run:echo ${{ steps.deploy.outputs.containerName }} ARM Deploy Actions is supported for the Azure public cloud as well as Azure government clouds ('AzureUS...
To build modern applications across cloud and on-premises environments, Azure and Azure Stack can deliver a consistent hybrid cloud platform. Similar to Azure, Azure Stack supports same PowerShell commands, portal experience and similar functionalities. For example, an ARM template which c...
In general, we recommend using Visual Studio Code for developing your ARM templates, and Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell for deploying the template, but you can use the portal for quick deployments without installing those tools.In this section, let's suppose you have an ARM template that you ...
,Azure Cloud Shell,Azure CLI,Bicep,Azure Resource Manager (ARM), orTerraform. Unlike regional endpoints, which were common for all customers in a specific Azure region, custom subdomain names are unique to the resource. Custom subdomain names are required to enable featu...
Azure Cognitive Services use custom subdomain names for each resource created through the Azure portal, Azure Cloud Shell, Azure CLI, Bicep, Azure Resource Manager (ARM), or Terraform. Unlike regional endpoints, common for all customers in a specific Azure region, custo...