To deploy your package using Intune, you'll first need to download the Intune Win 32 prep Tool. Note: This is a one-time task. You will use the Intune Win 32 prep Tool to create an output Intune file from your Adobe package. Finally, you'll Publish the output Intune...
To deploy your package using Intune, you'll first need to download the Intune Win 32 prep Tool. Note: This is a one-time task. You will use the Intune Win 32 prep Tool to create an output Intune file from your Adobe package. Finally, you'll Publish the output Intune file to Mic...
To deploy your package using Intune, you'll first need to download the Intune Win 32 prep Tool. Note: This is a one-time task. You will use the Intune Win 32 prep Tool to create an output Intune file from your Adobe package. Finally, you'll Publish the output Intune file to Mic...
Step by Step here for Adobe Reader DC, but trying to find a way to install Creative Cloud app even tried MSIX way also. Hopefully soon there will be an official MSIX File. ...
Deploy Apps to Intune using MS Graph: Reply kkawahara Copper Contributor to StuartK73Mar 12, 2024 StuartK73 Hi Stuart - this was helpful. How did you locate the package ID for Adobe CC? Or, more generally, i...
Apparently, MS Graph does NOT require the "package version" like the Intune portal does. So, does anyone have knowledge or steps on how to add an Intune App via MS Graph? Info appreciated. Info appreciated. Solved it myself, I think, with a little help from Google ...
Horizontal scrolling in remote desktop session How 2 users remote desktop to same PC but different user account? How can I change Adobe Acrobat Reader Settings for all users on a Terminal Server? How can I change the default save location of DEFAULT.RDP how can i change the email for a mi...
這項變更可在由 Adobe Acrobat 和舊版 Microsoft Edge PDF 引擎支援的 Microsoft Edge 內建 PDF 讀取器中取得。 非特殊配置 URL 處理。 非特殊配置 URL 處理會更新為符合 URL Standard (。 這項變更有網站相容性影響,可能需要變更您的網站。 如需詳細資訊和 Web 開發人員指引,...
Horizontal scrolling in remote desktop session How 2 users remote desktop to same PC but different user account? How can I change Adobe Acrobat Reader Settings for all users on a Terminal Server? How can I change the default save location of DEFAULT.RDP how can i change the email for a m...
Microsoft Edge 管理服务中的Intune策略。 管理员现在可以通过 Microsoft Edge 管理服务以及现有云策略设置Intune策略。 此功能使管理员能够在云中部署浏览器策略,并从单个窗格中部署Intune策略,从而轻松确保用户安全并简化浏览器工作流。 此功能附带了一个新的策略创建向导,该向导将创建过程简化为一个全面的分步流程。